
Sergio Villamarin

About me
Sergio Villamarin (sergiogyoz)

About me

I'm a PhD student at Tulane currently working on statistics applied to geomorphology and hydrology with professor Nicole Gasparini.

I did my bachelor's degree in mathematics in Colombia at the Sergio Arboleda's University and gained interest in combinatorics under the direction of professor Jose Luis Ramirez.


I'm actively learning new topics and skills I find interesting. You can see some of my Projects if you are interested in a particular one. Some professionally relevant are:

  • Programming (some experience in Python, C++, C#, Matlab, R, Mathematica).
  • Basic knowledge of algorithms and implementation.
  • Basic understanding of software architecture and paradigms.
  • Web design and front-end development (HTML, CSS, JS).
  • Game design (on Unity or Unreal engine).

Current projects

The main projects I am currently working on are:

WaterLevels, a python package to streamline the processing, filtering and display of time series and its analysis, focusing specifically on river's water levels data.

Familiarizing with landlab's framework to develop a new component that incorporates vegetation into landscape evolution model implementations.

Finally, I'm learning web development and working on my personal website (this one) which is currently on alpha state, so don't hate me if clicking links doesn't get you anywhere.

Curricula Vitae

This section doesn't load the actual files yet, just an old resume while I update the webpage.

If you want to learn more about me with pictures and easy to read text paragrahps you can navigate this website.

Otherwise, I made a 1 page long resumes for different public, they only include my most recent/relevant experience.

  • Pedagogy and Education resume: I explain my interest and participation on educational projects. .
  • Academy and Research resume: This one adds on the education one, highlighing my research projects and publications. .
  • Industry resume: Here I focus on the applications of some of my projects and my statistical background and skills. .
  • Programming and software architecture resume: Self-explanatory. .
  • Full CV: This one is a comprehensive CV with everything. .